Friday, January 8, 2010

What should I use for applying liquid foundation?

Should I use a brush, sponge, or somthing else?What should I use for applying liquid foundation?
Trowel or Bucket and Spade.What should I use for applying liquid foundation?
I saw Cindy Crawford on Oprah years ago, and she swore that the best way to apply foundation is with your fingertips. I'll take her word for it!
Or your fingers.
I think a sponge has the best effect.
use you finger tips in circular motions so its even, you can use a sponge around your jaw and hair line so its blended well.
I generally use my fingers but by right you should use a sponge its more hygenic
Using a sponge is nice because it will retain some of the foundation and you can use it to touch up later in the day should you need. I typically use my hands, but I pat foundation in more than I rub it in so a sponge works well in this instance too.
Sponge is alot easier to put on Liquid foundation with.
you can get a pack of them at any drugstore or at chains like walmart and kmart. i use the sponge wedges, they work pretty good but toss them after a few uses because they can break down over time. just put a little on the sponge, i dot it on my forehead, my cheeks and my chin and blend it all in.
sponge is best because it absorb liquid and thus the surplus is removed automatically...
Dab with a finger if trying to cover up something small, and for that, try using a shade lighter, then after use your shade with a sponge. It works for me everytime, and people ask how I get flawless skin haha :)
hottie give this chance to your boyfriend......simple
why bother with a sponge? Most of the makeup seeps into the sponge not on your skin. Waste of money and no coverage! Use a foundation brush. Really cheap in drug stores about 3-7 dollars. the are completely washable and reusable and can control better where you are applying the foundation. much better blending too. Also you will see that such a small drop will pretty much do most of your face because not seeping into a sponge. Remember, you may not need foundation on every spot on your face either. It may, however be a good thing if your going for the sunscreen value!

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