Friday, January 8, 2010

How do you apply liquid foundation with a foundation brush?

i have a foundation brush and basically i take the liquid foundation, put it on my hand, and then i use my finger to dot my face with it. then i try blending it with the foundation brush but it can be a bit blotchy when i do this. and im not using a cheap foundation brush i bought a special one at sephora. plus i also use cleanser toner and moisterizer too beforehand. am i not using it properly? i heard that u should dampen makeup brushes for a better application but i dont kno if that would b good to do with brushes...what should i do?How do you apply liquid foundation with a foundation brush?
A foundation brush is an excellent way to apply foundation but it does require a little practise.

First of all, don't dab the foundation on your face with your finger - the dots will start to dry before you have time to blend them. Just dip your brush in the foundation on the back of your hand and apply directly. I find that starting outwards from the nose is the best way, and don't overload the brush. You have to work quickly to ensure you don't get any brush marks. If you do, you can work a big soft brush (like a clean powder or blusher brush) in circles to blend the uneven marks - although it's best to avoid these from the start.

If your makeup is water-soluble then a damp brush can give you a little extra time to blend, but it will thin the makeup out. If your foundation is not water-soluble (silicone based for example) then it will just prevent your brush from 'drinking' the makeup and possible make application a little harder.

You can wash your brush perfectly well with shampoo - professional brush cleaners are anti-bacterial and are made of Iso-propyl-alchohol and will shorten your brush life. Since the brush is just for you, washing regularly with shampoo will work, maybe occasionally with an anti-bacterial wash.How do you apply liquid foundation with a foundation brush?
You should use a sponge or your fingers to apply liquid foundation, you use the brush for powder foundation and yes you must always use cleanser toner and moisturiser every morning and night so you have got the basics, go for it and I hope that you get a flawless complection. Good luck.

basically the foundation brush is the best way to apply any foundation ! your fingertips are good for tinted moisturizer, cream and melt the fdation around your hairline. Sponges absorb amazingly so much product! anyway , apply a dot on the back of your hand and take your brush to apply it directly on your skin , your brush ,eeds to be cleaned everyday with a specific brush cleanser otherwise the finish will be clumpsy and uneven and awfull! so , you have the foundation on your brush and u blend it throught your skin up and down (dry brush right!)andright and left if your brush is flat. If your brush is round with 2 different lenght turn around with your brush

if you wet the brush how is the foundation supposed to blend and glide? so my advice is to use a clean,dry brush

good luck
Use the foundation brush from the start and brush from the bottom of your face up making sure that you blend properly around your jawbone

If you are cleansing and moisturising beforehand wait about 20 minutes before you apply your foundation or it will just sit on your skin because the moisturiser hasn't had enough time to soak in. I always moisturise then do my hair and get dressed or have breakfast then do my make up last
I believe you kinda paint it on. Thats what you do with most liquids and a brush... at least that's what I do on my walls.
* Sponge: A sponge is great to give you a light, sheer layer of foundation. It makes the foundation very easy to blend, a necessity for foundation and keeps your fingers clean too! I bounce back and forth between this one and the brush. The downside, a lot of foundation can get absorbed in the sponge so it tends to waste product. You will need to clean your sponge after every use or do what I do, buy a bag full of inexpensive sponges at a department store and trash them after every use.

* Brush: I love the brush. The foundation looks perfect when using a brush, I can't really explain why, it just does. Use a foundation brush for a couple of days and it will be hard to go back to what you were using before. The one problem, you have to clean it every time you use it or you will ruin the brush. If you have to reapply your foundation during the day, a brush is the only way to go!

* Fingers: Fingers are great because everyone has them, you always know where they are, and they are inexpensive. I personally, don't like the feel of foundation on my fingers so it's not my favorite. But if you don't have issues like me, they work great. Can be hard to blend with so just be careful!
make sure you've let your moisturiser sink in, or else the foundation will slip.

then put the foundation on the back of your hand, and dot it on your face with the brush. blend using downward strokes only. if there isnt enough coverage/youre a bit blotchy, add more!

wash the brush out with mild shampoo every now and then.

i dont think wetting the brush helps as it waters down the foundation.

don forget to do all this in good light, or you never know what you'll end up with!
I start out putting dabs of liquid foundation then gently dab it all so it blends. Then, use a powder to set it so the brush strokes don't show.
that's usually what I do and it looks fine...just squeeze a little on your finger and evenly dot it all over your face, then brush it. Personally, I think powder foundation works better, lasts longer, is easier to apply, and it doesn't clog your pores as much!
You're not supposed to apply liquid foundation with a brush. XD

Use a makeup sponge.

You can either dab it on your face and use the sponge to blend, or place it directly on the sponge and buff it into your skin that way.

Use the brush to apply pressed powder or powder foundation.

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